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Appointment with me

Appointment with me

Contact Details

A team work between caregivers and family members is the modality It is best for addressing the psychological distress of children and promoting well-being throughout the household.

Being a full-time psychologist, I make my patients feel special so that they can openly discuss their problems. My goal is to help people fight their fears and life problems.





Contact me now to quote your first consultation


Mon - Tue: (9:00 - 19:00)

Thu - Fri: (09:00 - 19:00)


2021 - Designed by

How are you?

Problems with food Sadness

and fear Emotional


agitation, panic Bad

experiences Losses of

people / animals

Difficulties as a parent

Call for advice


Are you experiencing a psychological symptom directly or do you see it in your child?


Find out about the best way of working to address your request.





I am Dr. Maura Cornetti expert Psychologist and Psychotherapist in

Pontevico (BS) and Brescia


I am a mother, wife and psychotherapist. In everyday life I try to find the best balance between my family and the profession that I love and that I have built with dedication. I have always been interested in the happiness of families, taking care of the psychological and emotional well-being of adults, parents and children.


Maura Cornetti - Owner


Individual therapy

Et à evoultiva e families


Personalized counseling and therapy paths.

Each technique and therapeutic method acts in a relationship . The relationship of trust of an individual with a therapist is the safe basis from which to start towards a new balance and a newfound well-being.

Even children can go through moments of difficulty or malaise. The family therapist accompanies the parents and their children in the ric Search for the meaning of what is happening in order to face it and solve it together.

Each symptom or problem has its own specificity, a precise meaning in the history of the individual and the family in which he lives. For this reason, the treatment is never standard, but tailored to the characteristics and needs of each person and / or family.


Mindful Eating

EMDR Therapy

Leaving the painful memories of the past in the past, re-elaborating them, prevents automatic reactions and discomfort from interfering with present well-being and with future choices.

Many emotional and relational meanings pass through the relationship with food, our body and our mind are united and influence each other. .


The remote interview takes place via video calls with the Livi Connect platform


Protects privacy and via the link that the therapist sends you you can enter the virtual therapy room directly. Usable from tablet, smartphone or PC, without installing apps or programs.

Contact me


Stay informed, read my Blog.

In this blog of which I am the author you can read several articles on the topics I deal with.


Quando una psicoterapeuta incontra una book coach
Services , chiara book coach, libri per ragazzi, psicoterapia,

Quando una psicoterapeuta incontra una book coach

Maura Cornetti

23-03-2024 14:34

Vi parlo della mia collaborazione con Chiara Micozzi. L’incontro con Chiara è stato estremamente arricchente ed entusiasmante! Quindi lo racconto volentieri.

Benvenuto Studio Omnia
Services , studio omnia , equipe, lavoro di rete,

Benvenuto Studio Omnia

Maura Cornetti

08-03-2024 16:15

Vi spiego da dove nasce il progetto "Studio Omnia"..

A proposito di nanna..
Genitorialità ed età evolutiva,

A proposito di nanna..

Maura Cornetti

10-04-2022 15:26

A proposito di nanna.. un'introduzione al tema della nanna nei primi mesi ed anni di vita.

Il circolo della sicurezza
Genitorialità ed età evolutiva,

Il circolo della sicurezza

Maura Cornetti

09-04-2022 13:40

Il circolo della sicurezza: una mappa per comprendere i nostri figli e rispondere ai loro bisogni

Come parlare con i bambini: 6 consigli per affrontare la guerra in Ucraina
Genitorialità ed età evolutiva,

Come parlare con i bambini: 6 consigli per affrontare la guerra in Ucraina

Maura Cornetti

28-02-2022 11:45

Cosa pensano i nostri figli? Cosa sanno? Cosa vogliono sapere? Ma soprattutto, come stanno?6 consigli per affrontare un argomento così difficile che preoccupa

Corpo e mente nelle relazioni di attaccamento tra genitori e figli
Genitorialità ed età evolutiva,

Corpo e mente nelle relazioni di attaccamento tra genitori e figli

Maura Cornetti

13-10-2021 17:46

Corpo e mente si fondono nella richiesta di attaccamento dei figli e nella risposta di accudimento dei genitori.

Un cervello a tre piani
Il contributo delle neuroscienze,

Un cervello a tre piani

Maura Cornetti

10-10-2021 17:35

Le neuroscienze ci aiutano a conoscerci. Hai mai pensato al tuo cervello come ad una casa a tre piani?

VI Giornata nazionale della psicologia 2021
Services ,

VI Giornata nazionale della psicologia 2021

Maura Cornetti

10-10-2021 10:56

Il 10 ottobre si celebra la VI Giornata nazionale della psicologia 2021. Scopri il tema di quest'anno e i miei contributi.

Disturbi alimentari e pandemia
Food ,

Disturbi alimentari e pandemia

Maura Cornetti

16-06-2021 15:58

Un interessante articolo relativo agli effetti della pandemia e del lockdown sui disturbi del comportamento alimentare pubblicato su

Il pilota automatico della fame emotiva
Food ,

Il pilota automatico della fame emotiva

Maura Cornetti

16-06-2021 15:36

Talvolta il cibo che assumiamo funziona come regolatore dei nostri stati emotivi, risponde a dei bisogni psicologici e a degli stati d’animo del momen

L’autoregolazione emotiva attraverso il cibo
Food ,

L’autoregolazione emotiva attraverso il cibo

Maura Cornetti

16-06-2021 15:12

Il concetto di finestra di tolleranza di D. Siegel ci può aiutare a capire meglio come il cibo potrebbe esserci d'aiuto nel regolare le nostre emozioni.

5 buoni motivi per alimentarsi consapevolmente
Food ,

5 buoni motivi per alimentarsi consapevolmente

Maura Cornetti

26-05-2021 09:51

Mangi davanti alla tv o al cellulare?Pranzi mentre lavori?Ceni in modo frenetico?Forse non ti stai alimentando in modo consapevole e non sei nemmeno soddisfatto

Children who do not eat?
Food ,

Children who do not eat?

Maura Cornetti

12-04-2021 11:00

The best way to resolve conflicts over family meals is by sharing responsibility.

Mindful eating in the family
Food ,

Mindful eating in the family

Maura Cornetti

05-04-2021 11:00

the benefits of a new approach to food for children and parents.

Eat enough?
Food ,

Eat enough?

Maura Cornetti

29-03-2021 11:00

A new point of view for managing the anxiety and worry of parents at the table.

Individual therapy
Services ,

Individual therapy

Maura Cornetti

22-02-2021 10:00

Each technique and therapeutic method acts in a relationship.

Family and developmental therapy
Services ,

Family and developmental therapy

Maura Cornetti

15-02-2021 09:00

Even children can go through moments of difficulty or malaise.

Services ,


Maura Cornetti

08-02-2021 09:00

Leaving painful memories of the past in the past, reworking them, prevents automatic and uncomfortable reactions from interfering with present well-being

Mindful eating
Services ,

Mindful eating

Maura Cornetti

01-02-2021 09:00

In the relationship with food many emotional and relational meanings pass, our body and our mind are united and influence each other.

The team and network work
Services ,

The team and network work

Maura Cornetti

25-01-2021 10:00

Network and team work guarantees the possibility of global and in-depth care.

Are you interested in continuing to read? Look at the Blog


Write me here to receive your first consultation


Let's talk

Where am I?

I my times

Mon - Tue: (9:00 - 19:00)

Thu - Fri: (09:00 - 19:00)

